Monday, June 6, 2011

Facebook Plunder? Or User’s Accountability?

Facebook is a social network wherein millions of people are so fund of using this site. This is because they can freely express their ideas, share experience, post photos chat with their friends, play games and you can also invite friends on any events and celebrations. I’m also a user of this social network. In fact I’m one of the addict users of this site.

Earlier today, I was trying to check my mail, and I saw headline news in yahoo regarding a German teenager who unintentionally invited the public to attend to her birthday party on facebook and 15,000 facebook users accepted her invitation. (Wow! Is this for real? )

The teenager named Thessa, who did the invitation, left their house when she got to know that thousands and thousands of facebook users accepted her invitation then alerted the police regarding this matter ahead of the Friday evening birthday party.

There were about 100 police who went to the celebrant’s place at Hamburg Germany around 7pm to 2am to keep the order. Good thing, among 15,000 accepted the invitation, only 1,600 people showed up on her party (but this is still too much!).

Most of them jammed into the street in front of the celebrant’s house while they were uncontrollable celebrating the party.

Police spokesman Mirko Streiber said there were 11 people were taken into custody for violations ranging from bodily harm and resisting arrest to property damage and violating explosives laws.

Streiber also added, "It was by and large a peaceful party. There were some fires set alight, some acts of violence and with considerable alcohol consumption there was some property damage. There have been larger organized birthday parties in Hamburg but this may be the largest unorganized birthday party ever."

After reading this news I am thinking what did the teenager felt about what happened. She may be new to facebook or she’s just too excited… I’m also thinking about the people who went to the party. Why is it that they still went to the party even if they don’t personally know the celebrant? Anyway, we can’t blame those people, most of them really likes to party.

Well, I am expecting that who ever reads this, may laugh, surprised or may not believe but it really happened. These are also my reaction after reading this article. I am not blaming the social network. It is the user who should be responsible for the usage.

It was so funny and irritating but in reality, a small mistake can lead you to a huge mistake.

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