Thursday, June 9, 2011

Some grieving Mothers have Reborn Babies

When I was a child I love playing baby dolls, it’s one of my favorite toy. When we go to the mall I always asked my mom to buy me one. Now I’m turning 26 but I still have dolls in my room not just one but there are many, I have different kinds of dolls, it’s my collections. Its good to see they have different styles, and fashion.
Being fun of collecting dolls, I have known that there are already available life-like dolls, it was called “reborn dolls”. They look like real babies which are made to look just like real babies, they have perfectly combed hair and eyes closed in sleep. You can dress them up; they have nails and have silicon skin. And that’s cool!

Eve Hasty, a 57-year-old American bought a reborn doll named Abby from a British company for 300 dollars (210 euros). She lives in Oklahoma and lost her daughter due to leukemia when she’s only seven.

She treats her as her real baby. “She reminds me of my daughter as an infant”, Hasty said. “I just get a type of serenity about me when I hold her, I change her clothes," she added.

This doll made her happy and she even stressed “To me she is not a doll, she is so much more. I don't have to worry about her dying. I know she is not going to get sick and die. It takes such a pressure off."

This line surprises me. I don’t know what she’s thinking. She may be would like to cope up with her loneliness and treating this doll as a real child and thinks that this would satisfy her needs.

Ingrid Collins, a consultant psychologist at the London Medical Centre, says a fake baby "could create more problems than it solves".
However Sandra Wheatley, a psychologist specialising in family issues, says a "reborn baby" could be helpful as a "physical tool to help them mourn the one that they have lost".

We have individual differences and different ways how to deal with the situations we are currently facing, but we should know what the things that can help us more rather than doing things that could make things more complicated.

Just like Morato, I don’t understand why he’s making things complicated and why he’s trying to come up with different issues and allegations. Maybe this man is also longing for something and this is how he knows how to cope up with his problem and satisfy his needs… Or this is the only thing that he knew how to reach his dreams... Am I right Manoling?

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