Thursday, May 26, 2011

Who is Manoling Morato???

As I was checking my blogs earlier, I saw one comment asking who Manoling is.
That made me laugh in a bit and I felt corrected because I thought everyone already knows Manuel “Manoling” Morato. But I was wrong.

For the benefit of other people who don’t know Manoling Morato yet, I would like to give you some information. I am not his fan (no way!) I was just interested knowing him because he loves to question and accused the present chairperson of PCSO Margie Juico. Is he that perfect and excellent one? I don’t think so.

Manoling Morato is not totally old but he’s turning 78 this year. He is well-known public figure in the country. He is known for his tendency to issue controversial views and statements.

He is the son of Caluag, Quezon Mayor, and Quezon City’s first appointed mayor, Tomas Morato. He became a chairman of the Philippines' censorship agency (Movie and Television Review and Classification Board, MTRCB) from 1986 to 1992. Many movie producers, actors and directors held protests in front of his office due to his strict application of censorship, some of which were considered overboard.

He ran for the position of Philippine Senator in the 1992 elections but did not get a seat. Then he was appointed as chairman of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) by President Fidel V. Ramos in 1995. During his incumbency, the PCSO launched the very first “On-line lottery” in the Philippines. It is very well known as “lotto” and this became very popular in the country. In the 1998 elections, he decided to run again but this time he ran in the position of President with his running mate Camilo Sabio but he lost. Come 2001 elections, He didn’t give up, again he ran for the position of senator but unfortunately, again and again, he failed. Then in 2004, Morato was appointed by President Gloria-Macapagal Arroyo as director/ member of its board of trustees.

He was also a TV personality and hosted a weekly talk show Dial-M with the former actress Maggie de la Riva on state owned National Broadcasting Network. The show was initially for lotto draw results but he decided to add his commentaries and viewer phone calls. One of its episodes featured a security camera video showing Joseph Estrada gambling in a casino. The show stopped in 1998 when Estrada became a president and it was just returned in 2004 when Arroyo appointed him as board of director of the PCSO.

His life was filmed in 1998 before the Philippine centennial celebrations which were portrayed by actor Joel Torre. He is a bachelor up to now that’s why most of the people think that he is a gay. He commented on this issue and said that he has his own personal convictions and despite not being a gay. He said he has taken a vow of celibacy. Well I don’t think so. I can even prove that Manoling Morato is very gay... I even know who are those person linked to him.

Inspite of all of these experiences, Morato in his age still don’t get any contentment. In fact he became worst and worst. Well that’s also signs of aging... he’s out of his mind. Somebody must take care of him now.

If you just go back to his experiences, we can say that he has lots of achievements but he also didn’t get everything that he wants; especially with it comes to politics. He tried three times running in different position but at the end, he was not successful. Maybe this is one thing why he keeps on pulling other people. He might want to go back to his position or he might don’t want to be alone being in the losers row.

That is Manoling Morato. He love’s criticizing and looking for someone’s mistake (sometimes no proof at all). He does this because he said he’s concern but is it mainly the real thing Manoling?

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